This is a non-scientific tool for recording marine animal sightings aimed at amateurs and enthusiasts.
Choose a time period using the buttons at the bottom right. Any sightings reported within that time frame will appear on the map, numbered by recency (1 is most recent). Tap on any sighting for details, and to see a guide cone for where to look.
You can manually change your viewing position and add a sighting using the buttons at the top left.
Note: When adding a sighting, don't worry too much about perfect accuracy. It can be very difficult to judge distances by eye. The goal is to give other people a general idea of where to look, so try to make use of landmarks and seamarks that provide useful context.
Please be aware that your location, IP address and user agent will be recorded alongside any reported sightings. No other personally identifying information is stored by this service. Your location will also be visible to other users of the site.
This tool is created by James Wheare. Feel free to send any comments, questions and feedback to or on the Twitter account: @MarineSightings